About Us

The Sunshine Coast Education & Training Network

SUNED (Sunshine Coast Education) is a member based organisation led by a voluntary committee representing the collective interests of individual education providers including English Language, Primary & Secondary, Vocational & Higher education providers, as well as associated businesses, in the broader Sunshine Coast region.

Sunshine Coast map of Australia


The Sunshine Coast region is located about one hour by car north of Brisbane in beautiful South East Queensland.

SUNED Mission:

Liaising closely with government on local, state and federal levels, the organisation’s mission is to support, promote and grow with the region’s industry in a global environment.

SUNED seeks to assist in increasing the total number of students on the Sunshine Coast by:

  • Developing a regional brand that will enhance the marketing efforts of individual members;
  • Harnessing the collective marketing resources of all interested parties to maximise the visibility of the Sunshine Coast as an education and training destination both within Australia and in agreed international markets;
  • Ensuring that Sunshine Coast’s capacity is known to all relevant state, federal and international agencies; and
  • Coordinating generic promotional activity of the Sunshine Coast domestically and internationally.

SUNED Vision:

To make the local and international market aware of the existence of the world class education and training opportunities on the Sunshine Coast.

SUNED Objectives:

  • To promote Sunshine Coast as a destination for students at all levels;
  • To develop a recognised education brand for the Sunshine Coast generic and unified approach to promote and market the Sunshine Coast;
  • To promote and expand business opportunities and openings for education service providers by providing a forum for regular communication and networking;
  • To support partnerships and linkages that individual businesses have made with the International markets;
  • To ensure that the strengths of the Sunshine Coast region as an education destination are front of mind with relevant state, federal and international agencies; and
  • To identify, and develop, specific promotional and marketing opportunities using the SUNED brand.